Our teacher is Miss Day.
Our teaching assistant is Miss Barnsley.
Miss Thorburn comes and helps us on a Tuesday and a Wednesday.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday.
Phonics and Reading
Phonics is taught daily (approx 20mins) using ‘Letters and Sounds’, which is a six-phase teaching programme. Phase 1, 2 and 3 are generally taught in the EYFS and Phase 4, 5 & 6 in Years 1 & 2. Each daily session includes an introduction, a revisit & review, direct teaching then a practice, finishing with an applying of what has been taught and conclusion. Within the Letters and Sounds programme the children are taught to sight read and spell high frequency words (HFW). These are words commonly seen in texts and learning just 13 of these will enable children to read 25% of any text. Learning 100 HFW gives a beginner reader access to 50% of virtually any text, whether a children's book or a newspaper report. See the document below and webpage link for more information.
Children read in guided groups or individually daily. Children read appropriate fiction and non-fiction books matched to their phonics phase and age-related book bands.
Keeping in Touch
We have a school Facebook page. Photos and comments of our activities are added as often as possible. This allows parents to see what their children are doing each day, even if they do come home and answer that well known question ‘What have you done today?’ with ‘Nothing!’.