With our upcoming Christmas production, please would you take a little time to read this information regarding the use of mobile phones and cameras. This information has been taken from our ‘Online Safety Policy’
Internet Safety At Thorneyholme
The use of cameras and sound recording devices offer benefits to education but equally present schools with challenges particularly regarding publishing or sharing media on the Internet, e.g. on Social Network sites. Photographs and videos of children and adults may be considered as personal data in terms of The Data Protection Act (1998).
Parents Taking Photographs / Videos
Under the Data Protection Act (1998), parents are entitled to take photographs of their own children on the provision that the images are for their own use, e.g. at a school production. Including other children or other purpose could constitute a potential breach of Data Protection legislation. At the start of each production, parents are reminded that they should not take photos or make videos during the performance. A whole cast opportunity is made available at the end. Any parents who do not want their children to be included may remove their child before the photos are taken. From the academic year 2015-16, parents will be reminded annually that publishing images which include children other than their own or other adults on Social Network sites is not acceptable, unless specific permission has been obtained from their parents.